
A Methodist Way of Life: a focus for the discipleship journey of each Church member

With a new Connexional year on the horizon, we hope that church communities will consider adopting A Methodist Way of Life: a focus for the discipleship journey of each Church member. 

Rather than a rigid structure, buffet of resources or a tick box exercise, think of it as a way of living our lives in response to God’s love, made known to us in Jesus. It can be followed by individuals but is also a great way for communities to grow, learn, worship, and serve together. 

Should you wish to introduce A Methodist way of Life into your community, we have we have created a short video for you to share. Reflecting on the idea of breathing in and breathing out our faith the film features the experiences of people who use A Methodist Way of Life already. You can find the video here.  

We also offer a short animation to help introduce it to your community as a concept. Find the animation here.  

Why not complement these short introductions by sharing our introductory Brief Guide at any church meetings you plan to hold and offering our in-depth booklet, Finding the Way, for anyone who wants more information on how to engage with a Methodist Way of Life in their community. 

You can find all of these resources on our website including how to order hard copies of these and other resources here