
A tried and tested programme for lay people to explore their vocations…

What is Encounter

  • A place to help you discern your unique calling 
  • A supportive small group environment for sharing and learning together

Who is Encounter for?

  • The programme is for any adult from the Methodist Church in Britain who is seeking to deepen their discipleship and explore their vocation

What do I need to know about Encounter?

  • We will meet online, at approximately monthly intervals, in 2023
  • The Encounter programme is being offered free of charge

How do I find out more about Encounter?

Contact either Tricia or Sharon for more information Tricia Mitchell mitchellt@methodistchurch.org.uk Sharon Nugent nugents@methodistchurch.org.uk

Coming soon:  Taster Evenings Join us on Zoom on Monday 28th November 2022 or Thursday 8th December 2022 when you can find out more and ask your questions. Book here.