
Action for children news

Webinar - ‘Childhood during coronavirus: protecting children from the effects of poverty’. 

Action for Children invites you to an online webinar, ‘Childhood during coronavirus: protecting children from the effects of poverty’ on 7 July.

Staff will talk about the impact of the lockdown on families drawing on research in their report, 'End Childhood Crisis' and their campaigning work. They will also explain what they are asking the Government to do and how you can add your voice.  

To sign up, visit this page. 


Action for Children Sunday worship materials

Worship materials for this year's Action for Children Sunday on 11 July are now available to download. The theme is ‘Peace within, peace around.’ 

You'll be pleased to see activities that children can do whether they are worshipping at home or meeting in a church building. Vickie and Chris Heydon-Matterface (Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District) did an amazing job creating such engaging activities for children of different ages. 

To download, worship materials visit this page. 


Children’s Drawing  Challenge - Boycott You Bed  

Action for Children are asking their supporters to ‘Boycott Your Bed’ on Friday 9 July to raise money for vulnerable children and young people.  

Children can also get involved by taking part in the Children's Drawing Challenge, which asks them to draw the most fantastical, imaginative, exciting place to boycott their beds. Invite children in your congregations to sign up here before entries close on Friday 25 June. A winner will be announced on Friday 9 July

To sign up to sleep out, visit: boycottyourbed.co.uk/faith. Every £1 raised will help support the UK's most vulnerable children and you people.