
Adoption Support for Ministers and their families - an invitation to an online conversation space hosted by Rev A Longe

Journeying through the adoption process in 2009, the year of my ordination, being placed with nursery and primary school age kids and forming as a family has/can be uniquely wonderful & very tough at times - as the photo of a possible match becomes a reality.  

We know that support by local councils can be patchy, and sometimes managing the perception in the pew and wider church of adoption can be both a joy and a challenge. Along with my wife, I would like to create a safe online space to support Methodist ministers and families that will enable conversation and reflection together on all that adoption brings. 

These initial steps might lead to local meet ups, diversify to include adopted kids and specific groups to help people at various stages of adoption as there are different challenges for new adopters and seasoned ones. 

Fundamentally the support group is to help you feel less isolated, more informed and to journey with your experience of this adoption life. If you are interested, please do get in touch - revalonge@icloud.com

Andy Longe