
Armed Forces route to become a Worship Leader / Local Preacher

New pathway to become a Worship Leader/Local Preacher for members of the Armed Forces

A pathway has been devised to discern the call of a Local Preacher (LP) for a member of the Armed Forces (AF), including civilians working for the Ministry of Defence (and their dependants) where they are not able to follow the usual Methodist process due to the nature of their service. This route is based on the standard Methodist process and whilst broadly equivalent, there are subtle differences in nearly every step.


Why it differs

The nature of a Service career means that the individual is likely to move regularly and often at short notice and at different times will be worshipping in a Methodist Church and a Ministry of Defence church / at sea. The other characteristic of worship that impacts on this is that within the AF Methodism is categorised with other denominations in a Chaplaincy Group. Therefore the Chaplain with oversight of the LP at many stages may not be a Methodist and in many military and naval environments there is just a single Chaplain and all worship is interdenominational. This means the mentor is likely to routinely change during this process, hence an Armed Forces Local Preacher Tutor has been identified to provide continuity for the candidates through their time. It is possible to move from the conventional pathway to this Armed Forces pathway and vice versa at any stage (and almost any step) and the process is designed to be flexible.



For any clarification or to express an interest please contact the Local Preachers Office via localpreachers@methodistchurch.org.uk or on 020 7467 3774 or the AF LP Tutor – Cdr Mark Barton RN on markbartonrn@gmail.com who will support the process through the East Solent and Downs (ES&D) Circuit of the Southampton District.


Please note: nothing in this pathway means that an individual wishing to become a LP cannot train by the standard LP route if they are worshipping and preaching in a Methodist Circuit and that Circuit is willing to take them through the process.