
Being coached and coaching others

Those who join one of the Evangelism and Growth learning communities have the offer being coached to help them develop as transformational leaders, evangelists and pioneers. It has been wonderful to hear testimony of how it has enabled growth both personally and for the contexts they are serving. The God for All Influencer Coaching program extends the opportunity to be coached to all leaders, both ordained and lay who are engaged in creative evangelism and mission. Explore further if this for you and apply here. Please do also prayerfully consider whether you know someone else in your circuit who would benefit from this offer.

Are you someone who could coaches others? If so, then there is the opportunity to be trained in coaching skills and join our network of coaches. There will be several opportunities this Connexional year, the first taster session is 26 September 9.30-12noon. Register here for this event and details of training. We would also like to know if you have experience of being a coach and are willing to offer your gifts to the church please email coaching@methodistchurch.org.uk