
Building a picture of our work and Ministry with Children, Youth, Young Adult or Family/Household/Intergenerational contexts

Can you help to create a picture/map of Ministry, Activities, events and training that are taking place across The Methodist Church?

What activities, events are taking place Sundays, Midweek, School Holidays in your Church, Circuit, District?

They may be small and deep, medium or large (all have great value and impact)  or may be run by you or an outside partner, the activities might be Uniformed Organisations, a Toddler Group, Sunday School, After School Club or Youth Group.

You might run a youth band, worship groups, discipleship groups, events, residentials, and other initiatives.  We are looking to capture every activity that connects with Children, Youth, Young Adult or Family/Household/Intergenerational contexts across The Methodist Connexion. We would also like to know what kind of training and support you are offer to your volunteers.

Please could you complete this for District provision and cascade to Circuits and Churches to complete.

Information will be used to inform resourcing and support across the Connexion.

Please pass this type form to relevant District Staff, Churches, Circuits to complete


Please complete by the 1 March