
Candidating 2022-2023

This is to alert you to a change in candidating for the 2022-2023 year as a result of the decisions of the 2021 Conference ‘Changing Patterns of Ministry’ report.

The application to candidate with limited deployability has now been replaced with an application to candidate for a local or specific context.

This means that those who feel called to serve in a local context or need to be in a local context can apply to do so, and also that those who feel called to a specific form of ministry such as pioneering or a language context, can apply to do so. They can apply for both specific and local contexts.

There is a new application form for this – the C.1.2.

This form, along with all the other candidating forms, will be available on the website by 1 May. Please also note that no longer will prospective candidates need to email the office to request an application pack, but they can download the forms directly from the website. We do ask that when they download the forms, they also send an email to the office to inform us that they may candidate and copy that email to you and the District candidates’ secretary.

We are making these forms available earlier than usual in order to build in time for everyone to understand these changes.

Also please note that we no longer require any paper copies of any candidating forms, but request that these are sent electronically. Where signatures are required please ensure that these are scanned into the document rather than names simply being typed in.

Please share this with anyone who may need to know this information.