
Celebration of Faith & Worship

The Faith & Worship course has ended, after some 30 years. We want to celebrate the many students, tutors, mentors, assessors and others who have been involved with the course and to praise God for the calling to preach the Word and to lead people in worship, and for the strength and grace that is given to those who have responded to that call over the years.  

COVID restrictions permitting, there will be a time of worship at Central Hall, Westminster on Sunday 17 October 2021. There will be a buffet reception from 4pm and worship at 6pm. Please spread the invitation to any who would like to join us – we are also sending this to Local Preachers’ Secretaries. Booking is by the Eventbrite link here. Early registration would be much appreciated so we can make appropriate plans. 

A similar email will be sent to all Circuit Local Preachers’ Secretaries shortly. Please pass the invitation on to all who might be interested, including through your District networks.