
Church-wide feedback on God for All

We’ve said before: “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth evaluating”.  In the third year of God for All, we want to hear from circuits, churches, and individuals. What has been helpful? What needs more work? There are two ways for people to offer feedback now, which can be shared widely across the circuits and churches. Diverse responses and wisdom will help the Methodist Church continue to learn and stay focused on the long-term cultural change God is calling us to. 

  1. Online Survey. 

Click here to access a short survey to give your individual feedback. There are 20 questions in total, and it will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please share this link widely with others in your church and communities. The more the participation, the better 

  1. Online Focus Groups.         

Click here to sign up for one of 30 online small group conversations that will be hosted in January and February. These spaces are for different roles and groups to offer specific local feedback – celebrations, challenges, and big questions for the future. 

Once you click on the link, you’ll see the entire series of facilitated conversations. Click the event relevant to you, select one of the two dates, and claim your space. Because each group is limited to 20 people for the sake of actual conversation, we ask you only to book in if you are absolutely committed to participating. 

There will also be feedback conversations hosted at the 2023 Superintendents Conferences and 2023 Methodist Diaconal Order Convocation.