
CJ4A's Open Letter

This week, Climate Justice for All (CJ4A) have released their Open Letter to COP26 President Alok Sharma ahead of the climate conference in November. This letter comes from consultation sessions we held with Methodists in Britain earlier this year and it calls on him to take direct and meaningful action. Now the letter has been released, we are trying to gather as many signatures from Methodists across Britain as possible.  

Here is the link to the letter: https://bit.ly/CJ4Aletter

Now CJ4A are asking YOU to do TWO things to help make the open letter a success: 

  1. Sign the open letter. Click the link or scan the QR code (in the google drive) to fill out your information as requested. 
  2. Share the open letter. After you’ve signed up, share the letter with as many people in your church community as possible! Send them the QR code or the link, and tell them why you were inspired to sign the letter. 

CJ4A are encouraging British Methodists of all ages to sign this letter because they want Alok Sharma to see that this is an issue that Methodists of all ages care about – so please encourage everyone in your church community to sign! Tell people at church about signing, send the link to colleagues, put it in your newsletter, put in on your Facebook/Whattsapp groups, tell your youth worker to talk to your young people about it – CJ4A hope they can count on you to share this in all the ways that you can!  

To make this easier, CJ4A have created the following link, this is the link to the Google Drive where they are holding all of their communications for the open letter. In this folder, you will find a social media graphic, the QR code and other things that will help you share the Open Letter in your community: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1e5-n4jTVA2yI2wagXU3pwJi8h5DQPwza?usp=sharing  

The last chance to sign the letter will be the end of 24 October, so please make sure you have signed and shared it before then.  

After this date, CJ4A will be delivering it to Alok Sharma, both physically and digitally, in time for him to read it before the beginning of COP26 in November.   

#CJ4A #CJ4AOpenLetter