
College of Preachers online workshops


Preaching in a Scientific Age

13 January 2021, 10.30-13.00 | via Zoom

Workshop leader: Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers and former Science Missioner in the Diocese of Oxford

Science & technology are central to our lives and there are many who believe that science and religious faith are incompatible - that we can believe one or the other but not both. This workshop will explore how we can use our preaching to dispel this myth, help people to discover the truth of scripture in an age of science and equip our congregations to bring Christian values to discussions about how science & technology are used in society.

Ticket prices: General, £7; Ministry Student, £5


How to Craft a Faithful Sermon

10 February 2021, 15.00-17.00 | via Zoom

Webinar Leader: Revd Prof Karoline Lewis, Professor and Marbury E Anderson Chair of Biblical Preaching, and Programme Director for the Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St Paul, Minnesota, USA, and Programme Director for the Festival of Homiletics.

Good sermon writing involves bringing the text of the Bible into conversation with the life and experiences of our own congregation. But how can we be sure we're being faithful to scripture and not just saying what we want to say? This webinar will look at how to craft a sermon faithful to the message of scripture while also being relevant to life of the church and society today.

This event is being offered free of charge, but donations are invited to support the ongoing work of the College of Preachers. Suggested donation £5.


 Preaching on Mark's Gospel through Lent

17 February 2021, 10am | via Zoom

Workshop leader: Revd Dr Ian Paul. Dr Paul is a writer, blogger, and theologian. He is also the Managing Editor at Grove Books and ordained in the Church of England, currently ministering in the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham.

How can we draw on Mark's portrayal of Jesus' temptation and passion to capture the essence of the season of Lent, share the Good News, and encourage congregations to faithful discipleship? In this workshop, we'll explore what Mark's Gospel says about Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness at the start of his ministry - those days echoed in the 40 days of Lent - together with the story of his passion and how we can retell this story in the context of our lives today to point people towards the hope and joy of Easter.

Ticket prices: general, £7; ministry student, £5


To book a place on any of the above workshops, please visit the College of Preachers web site, and follow the link for the workshop you wish to book.