
College of Preachers workshops

Preaching and Story 

Wednesday 21 July, 10.30-13.00 | via Zoom 

Workshop Leader: Revd Dr Mark Wakelin, Methodist Minister. 

We will tell each other stories, biblical or otherwise, and reflect on what we learn and feel. Within that reflection we will consider the importance of exegesis in preparing a story, and the relationship of story to truth. During the workshop we will aim to encourage each other and learn from each other to enrich our preaching. 


Changing the Climate: Preaching in the Environmental Crisis 

Wednesday 1 September, 10.30 | via Zoom 

A workshop with the  Paul Johns, Methodist Local Preacher. 

Climate change, floods and droughts, declining biodiversity – is all this just a stock of fresh sermon illustrations? Or does it shift the context of our preaching, and therefore sermon content too? God holds the planet in one hand and offers us the Bible with the other. What hope does the biblical message offer to a planet in pain? This workshop, led by Paul Johns, will provide an opportunity to share your thoughts and preaching experience, and to listen to and discuss two or three recent (and short) ‘environmental’ sermons. 


Suffering, Science, and Preaching a Theology of Hope 

Wednesday 8 September, 10.30 | via Zoom 

With the Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers and former Science Missioner. 

How can science help us understand suffering? Can science offer a way through which we can explore the perennial question of why God allows suffering? And how do we speak of hope in the midst of suffering? This workshop will explore how we can use insights from science in our preaching both to help people engage with questions around suffering and to offer a theology of hope. 

The Revd Jennifer Brown is Director of Training for the College of Preachers and a Theological Educator. She has worked as Science Missioner in the Oxford Diocese and is Secretary of the Science and Religion Forum.  

Prices for all of these on-line workshops: general, £7; ministry student, £5. 


Preaching in Advent 

Thursday 7 October, 09.30 | Holland House, Cropthorne, Worcestershire 

Workshop leader: Revd Canon Roger Spiller 

How can we make the Advent themes and readings come alive and speak to us today? The themes of Advent can stretch our credulity but can also address those ultimate issues that preoccupy us all. In this workshop, the Revd Canon Roger Spiller will look at how we can imaginatively approach the themes of the season in our preaching. 

This day-long workshop will include input, discussion, working with texts, matching themes and sermon structures, drafting outlines and generally stimulating the imagination to excite us in our preaching ministry. Lunch will be provided. 

The Revd Canon Roger Spiller is a theological educator and was previously Diocesan Director of Ministry for Coventry Diocese. He is currently the Chair of Trustees of the College of Preachers and has edited several editions of the 'Canterbury Preacher's Companion'. 

Ticket prices: general, £35; ministry student, £25 (includes lunch).
Booking open until 25th August 

For details of how to book for any of these workshops, please visit the College of Preachers web site