
Deadline for LPs and WLs to complete mandatory Advanced Module Safeguarding training

Dear colleagues 

You will be aware that the Methodist Conference decided that all local preachers and worship leaders needed to undertake the Advanced Safeguarding Module and allowed a period of four years for this to be achieved. Due to the Covid pandemic, face to face training was suspended and an extension to the deadline for completion was agreed by the Secretary of Conference and chair of the Safeguarding Committee. This extension comes to an end on 31 August 2022. 

We are very grateful to all those who have now benefited from undertaking the training and all the trainers who have worked hard to develop and deliver both face to face and now online training opportunities as well. 

We recognise that in a few areas access to training by the August deadline has proven difficult for some local preachers and worship leaders. As completion of this training is necessary for continuing to preach and lead worship, plan making has become even more challenging.  

If you as  superintendent are in this situation in your circuit, please contact the Safeguarding team Safeguarding@methodistchurch.org.uk explaining the problem and the steps you have taken to resolve it, and any help that you need so we can advise on the best way for your local preachers and worship leaders to access the required training. 

Rev Henry Lewis, Secretary of the Safeguarding Committee

Rev Jonathan Hustler, Secretary of Conference