
Dignity For All – 10 June, Gateway Church, Leeds

JPIT are delighted to be co-hosting an exciting conference in Leeds on Saturday 10 June! JPIT are working with Church Action on Poverty and the APLE collective to host a new kind of conference: one where the real experts on poverty, people with lived experience, are at the forefront. We’re gathering people from across our churches who are passionate about ending poverty alongside people taking action in communities already to listen, learn and make a plan together to strengthen the movement to end poverty. This is a real chance for us to learn as a church about how we can have a more gospel-focussed, people centred mission in our communities and society to see everyone flourish. We’d love to see you there. Please do share this event with people in your churches who you think would benefit from joining us. Tickets are free for anyone who needs it, with an option to donate if you are able. Find out more here.