
DOV1 Advisory Group members

There are opportunities for lay and ordained people to serve the Connexion on the Discerning Ordained Vocation 1 Advisory Group. The group operates as a pool of prepared people from which panels of three people are identified to do the work each year. Panels meet all those who are discerning ordained vocation to listen to their call to ordained ministry and discuss this with them. The panels then discern their recommendation for the applicant’s next steps which is shared by letter with the applicant, their Superintendent and Chair of District. Care is taken to ensure that there is balance on these panels so that applicants feel they are being fully understood.

It is helpful if those serving on these panels are people who have prior experience either:

  • of discerning vocation in others formally or informally at local or Connexional level,
  • or of theological training of others.

If you are interested please complete and return this form fully and return it by 13 November to the email address stated.

If you apply please note that you will need to be available for the interviews on 7 and 8 June 2024 and at some online preparation meetings.

This is an opportunity to be part of discernment journeys and those who have been involved in the past have found it to be humbling, fulfilling and a real privilege.