
Dyslexia Awareness session 12 October 2022 – 10.30am to 12noon

Dear colleagues,

In celebration of Dyslexia Awareness Week in October, we will be running a Dyslexia awareness session on 12 October 2022 from 10.30am to 12noon via zoom.

The term Dyslexia can lead to uncertainty and misunderstanding to some and this session will provide the opportunity to learn more about Dyslexia and dispel the myths. Janette Beetham Director of Right Resources will lead the session. She is an experienced consultant/trainer who specialises in dyslexia and neurodivergent ‘conditions’ in the workplace. She has been working with staff and ministers within the Methodist Church for a number of years.

She is herself dyslexic / neurodivergent (having only discovered this in her late 30’s with less than positive personal experiences during her education and early employment). Janette delivers a range of workplace-focused specialist support services for individuals and has developed a range of accredited training programmes designed to enable employing organisations to ‘support a thriving and productive neurodiverse workforce’.

To register your interest in attending please email wellbeing@methodistchurch.org.uk. You will receive Zoom details nearer to the time.