
Easter Offering 2024

This year the Easter Offering 2024 service tells stories of people standing for justice, persisting in the face of setbacks and taking up the challenge anew as circumstances change. Some stories show how people now have hope because justice has 'rolled' into their lives. 

Let Justice Roll offers churches, circuits and districts a celebration of God’s just purposes across the wider world. It includes the dedication of the Easter Offering, all of which goes to the World Mission Fund of the Methodist Church in Britain, supporting and working with over 100 Partner Churches and organisations around the world. 

Service material includes

  • Leader’s notes with guidance for local organisers in the preparation of the service
  • a full PowerPoint presentation
  • a promotional poster
  • Order of Service
  • stories telling of ways we can ‘let justice roll'. 

For more information and downloadable resources, including the Easter Offering order form, please visit methodist.org.uk/EasterOffering. 

You can order your printed Let Justice Roll resources, including your collection envelopes, from Methodist Publishing [hyperlink ‘Methodist Publishing’ insert link: Easter Offering 2024 (methodistpublishing.org.uk)].  

#Methodist #Easter #LetJusticeRoll