
E&G update

Small churches: what's our future story? 16 March – 7.30-9:00pm

Each small church has a gift to offer its community; a part to play in God's mission; a future with hope. Sometimes living into this hopeful future will mean joining with another church to share resources. Sometimes it will mean letting go of a cherished building in order to worship in people's homes or in a community centre. Whatever the end result, each small church gets there by starting with its mission: its particular part of God's calling to share the love of Christ with the world. 

In this 90-minute Zoom gathering you will hear stories of small churches that have make big steps in discerning God's call and making changes for the sake of mission. You'll also have an opportunity to network with others and to receive input to help you in your own discernment where you are. All members of small churches are welcome, both lay and ordained. 

To book click here


Evangelism for Leaders: new course dates! 

Five, two-hour, sessions on Zoom, on Thursdays from 10:00am starting on 5 October 2023. The first four sessions run over a six week period, and then the final session is roughly three months later. For full details and to register click here

This course is for all leaders in the Methodist Church (lay and ordained, paid and unpaid) who really want to reach new people but also understand that evangelism is a word with baggage. It's for leaders who want to discover their inner evangelists - and it's for those who'd rather they remained undiscovered! It's for leaders who are wondering how to help others grow in confidence in their faith and share it. This course aims to equip leaders in their contexts to: confidently model what it means to follow our shared calling to evangelism; to intentionally prioritise and promote evangelism and to cultivate a culture of confident, authentic faith sharing. 

If you have any questions please contact Holly Adams, Evangelism and Contemporary Culture Officer on adamsh@methodistchurch.org.uk 


Calling all volunteers….

Are you an energetic person who loves meeting new people? Recruitment is now open for volunteers for Hope & Anchor – our venue at events and festivals this Spring and Summer. Do you love having conversations that go beyond small talk? Do you love experimenting with being church in places way beyond our church buildings? Do you have time to attend an event, offering around six hours of volunteering during each day of the event?  If so, we are looking for you! Please click here for further details and how to apply.