
Everyone an evangelist, even chaplains?

So much of what it means to be a chaplain is also what it means to be an evangelist.

Chaplains and evangelists are motivated by faith to go wherever people are, being guests in different contexts and communities, building relationships with grace and vulnerability and sharing in the good news with those they meet.

How can chaplains more fully embrace their inner evangelist, and what can our wider church learn from chaplains about evangelism?

This is a chance for chaplains of all kinds to come together to consider how chaplaincy offers opportunities for faith sharing and how that might be approached appropriately.

With an opening theological reflection on evangelism in chaplaincy, there will be time for story-sharing and discussing together what fruitful models of faith sharing look like in your contexts.

This will be an evening of sharing, encouragement and challenge and will be hosted by Gary Hopkins, the Connexional Ministry Development Officer who oversees chaplaincy, and Holly Adams, Evangelism and Contemporary Culture Officer.

Join us as we open the conversation and begin journeying together in what it means to be chaplains and evangelists, helping others to see God's love in the world.

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