
Exploring Ordained Ministry - May 23

This Connexional year the Ministries: Vocations & Worship team are hosting two different events for those exploring ordained ministry

  • One is the event, which we have held for the past three years, and is an opportunity for people to gather with others exploring ordained ministry and to ask any questions they want about ordained ministry / training / the candidating process. This event is online. It is interactive with lots of resources to help people in their exploration. 

Anyone candidating from 2023 onwards will be candidating under the new process, so it would be good for anyone considering candidating to attend the event to hear facts about the new process. 

Saturday 6 May 2023 - booking

  • The other event is new this Connexional year and is being held on Saturday 11 February 2023 - booking

This online morning event is a prayerful reflective space to help people to find out more about Diaconal ministry.

This event is for anyone wondering if they are called to be a Deacon, or if they will be candidating as a Presbyter and want to know more about the ministry of a Deacon.