
Faith New Deal Pilot Fund

The Faith New Deal Pilot Fund is a new, competitive grant programme to ‘help support faith-based organisations to use their resources effectively within their community and to build trust between national government, local government and faith groups’.  

The Faith New Deal Pilot will provide funding for projects run by faith groups working on community programmes to support a key COVID-19 recovery objective in their local area. It’s a pilot scheme and the money available is not huge and requires matching. Bids up to £125,000 will need to demonstrate in-kind match (non-cash) commitment from their own or wider sources (venues, volunteers or staff hours). Larger bids for grants over £125,000, will require a match donation from a philanthropic funder. The Faith New Deal pilot fund will only provide up to a maximum of 50% of the delivery costs of any project. 

Further detail on the fund and guidance on how to apply can be found here.   

Please send all questions and enquiries to: faithnewdeal@communities.gov.uk