
Growing the relationship between uniform groups and local churches or circuits

Are you part of a team leading a uniformed group? Are you a church that would love to find an achievable and appropriate way to support children's and youth ministry? The Children, Youth and Family Team is really pleased to be partnering with the Girls' Brigade and Boys' Brigade to bring you two exciting events as part of Flourish Uniform Groups. On Monday 10 June from 7pm to 8.30pm we will be hosting an online Ideas Exchange to explore how churches can better support the uniform groups that meet in their buildings and communities (and how uniform groups can develop positive relationships with local churches). Book here to be a part of the conversation: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcocOqtqjwvHNDB_zAT3ZAdLx2onfl9HL9H#/registration We will also be hosting a short online prayer meeting, to pray for this vital children’s and youth work, on Monday 8 July from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Book here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwocuGuqTMrHdA7HLfn-wdnXYBBTBtWdNG-#/registration