
Have you reimagined your Circuit’s structure and ministry?

Dear Colleagues in Circuit Ministry,

We’re looking to collate a number of case studies which tell the story of how different circuits have reimagined their structures and ministry. We’re particularly looking for how places have reorganised decision making bodies to release people from having to fill roles across the whole circuit (e.g. merging, multisite churches, hubs, classes of other churches – reducing the number of treasurers/trustees/stewards etc.) and how circuits have developed their models of ministry in a context where presbyters are typically being spread across more churches (e.g. lay roles, pastoral models, employment – introducing roles like those of a local lay-pastor). 

Releasing people for mission at the circuit level is vital in enabling people to respond to God’s Spirit locally. We’re aware that there are many places where people have creatively imagined and responded to local opportunities and needs to help release and enable people to join in with God’s mission. While the model for one context can never be transferred, it is our hope that sharing case studies connexionally will help others to imagine what’s possible within the framework provided by our wider structures. 

If you have reimagined – however small or big the changes – we’d like to connect with you to capture your story in a case study. Please send me an email at hopkinsg@methodistchurch.org.uk so I can arrange a Zoom conversation with you to capture your journey. 


Gary Hopkins
Ministry Development Officer