
Holocaust Memorial Day

Saturday 27 January is Holocaust Memorial Day. Michaela Youngson, Assistant Secretary of the Conference and Connexional Ecumenical Officer, shares this prayer.

God, source of all freedom,
on this Holocaust Memorial Day we pray to you.
We remember the freedoms stolen from millions of Jewish, Sinti, black, gay, disabled people and other groups despised by the Nazis in the lead up to and during the Second World War.
We remember the lives lost in that War and in genocides since,
in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
We remember that today, in the UK and around the world, millions of people face prejudice, discrimination and hostility simply because of their identity.
God, source of all freedom,
help us to find courage to challenge attitudes of hate and intolerance,
help us to work for the protection of fragile freedoms that we often take for granted.
help us to see in others your image and to love our neighbours, that all might live in peace.
In the name of Christ.