15 January 2025
Holocaust Memorial Day
The Revd Helen Cameron, President of the Methodist Conference, shares this prayer for Holocaust Memorial Day, marked on 27 January.
Prayer for Holocaust Memorial Day 2025
Loving God, holy and immortal,
on this Holocaust Memorial Day
forgive us whenever we are slow to acknowledge rising hatred against the other
and fail to act to protect the vulnerable, leading to catastrophe.
Loving God, holy and immortal
may we always remember and mourn the six million Jewish children, women and men,
murdered at Auschwitz- Birkenau, Treblinka, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Majdanek, Babyn Yar and in so many other places.
Loving God, holy and immortal
may we never forget all those murdered by the Nazi regime,
those with disabilities, gay women and men, communists and other political opponents, Roma and Sinti people, Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Loving God, holy and immortal,
on this day we remember and mourn those killed in genocides
across the globe, Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Cambodia.
We pray for peace and an end to all war and violence,
help us to see one another as you see us,
all your children, precious and beloved.