
How people candidate for ordained ministry is different now, to when you candidated

For information about the current candidating process, please watch this 10 minute recording of members of the Connexional Team talking through the process

Exploring Discovering Offering - YouTube 

Evaluation from exploring ordained ministry events tells us that your role in encouraging people is key. 50% of those who attended events this year, when asked “how did you hear about this event” said ‘my minister told me’. 

Green – My minister told me

Orange – website

Red – other

Blue – social media 

All the information about candidating is here, including key dates. 

It is also worth noting that for anyone wanting to take some time to explore their sense of calling, a new programme called Explore has opened. To be part of the 2023-24 cohort of the Explore course, they need to register this summer (before 31 August). 

Explore might, for some people lead to DOV1 and then on to DOV2 when they candidate, yet for most it is likely to lead to new expressions of lay vocations. Please do show this lovely film in worship and meetings to encourage everyone to explore what God is calling them to be and do. 

What is God inviting you to? | Exploring Discovering Offering - YouTube