
Information for Superintendents

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

In the light of the ongoing pandemic we are needing to review our provision for New Superintendents Inductions and The Superintendents’ Conference. The former will be moved online as a series of zoom meetings. Details to follow shortly. With regards to the Conference we invite to you complete this short poll to help us focus our planning. 

A brief reminder that the Conference received the report 25 Reaffirming Our Calling: Oversight and Trusteeship and has invited comment from around the Connexion. Comments should be sent to SOC@methodistchurch.org.uk.

In the same report resolution 25/1a states:  The Conference directs Circuit Meetings and Church Councils to undertake Unconscious Bias related training in order to ensure equality and diversity within the appointments process of the new trustee bodies. The Learning Network are currently working on a 30minunite package that should be available from early 2021. Details will be posted on the Minister’s Signpost. 

Likewise The Ministerial Covenant (formally known as the Code of Conduct) has been updated and is available for review and comment. Details can be found here

Be assured of the team’s ongoing prayers as we all strive to serve God and the Church in these difficult times.