
JPIT conference - From the Ground Up: Unearthing Hope and Seeking Justice

Tickets for JPIT’s next conference are now available. ‘From the Ground Up: Unearthing Hope and Seeking Justice’ will explore how we can listen to our communities and amplify local voices to bring about change. Attendees will be able to join either online, or in London at Oasis Hub Waterloo. Both online and on-site participants will be invited to engage with keynote speakers, take part in interactive workshops and learn new skills to build change. 

Our keynote speakers will include Emma Revie (CEO of Trussell Trust), Zrinka Bralo (CEO of Migrants Organise), Bishop Mike Royal (incoming CTE General Secretary), Revd Al Barrett (Hodge Hill, Birmingham) - and more to be announced! Workshops will explore a whole range of issues, from housing justice to hope in healthcare, the climate crisis and racial justice.

We would be delighted if you were able to join us for this day of creative exploration, and bring with you people from within your community. We want to make the conference as accessible as possible, so tickets are free for anyone on a low income or aged under 25. To help bring together as many people as possible, it would be great if you could encourage church leaders in your area to consider if they could bring to the conference…

  • Someone who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it
  • Someone they have identified as a lay leader in the community
  • Someone aged between 16-25
  • A member of staff who can carry ideas back to their wider team

If you have any questions, do get in touch with Hannah Brown (brownh@methodistchurch.org.uk) – we would be delighted to see you there.

The conference is on 11 June 2022 and tickets are available here.