
Leadership Year (please pass this on to those for whom you think it is relevant)

The Leadership Year is an exciting opportunity for 18-30 year olds across the Connexion, who want to invest time in developing their leadership abilities. It is aimed at those who may just be starting out in a leadership role, or who are wanting to be involved in leadership, which may be within, or outside, a church setting.

It includes 3 residential weekends, occasional evening online gatherings and the opportunity to meet with a coach. It is a chance for young leaders to be in community with other young adults, to reflect on what it means to be a Christian leader (in church, secular workplaces, and local community) and to develop characteristics needed for self-aware, visionary, resilient leadership. There are 12 fully funded places available. All details and link to the application form is here. Applications close on 22nd September.