
Listening for God - Transforming Local Preachers’ (and Worship Leaders’) Meetings

The Local Preachers' Meeting is a place of worship, encouragement, learning and equipping for mission. Or could be. Perhaps 2022 is the time to refresh the Local Preachers' meeting in your circuit. A suggested meeting plan prepared by the Ministries Team and called Listening for God is available now. Download it from the CLPD webpage here, together with other ideas and resources for LP Meetings. 

We recommend you use it for your first meeting of 2022 to help you explore fresh possibilities. When the invitations are sent out (remembering that all LPs are obliged to be there - SO 563 says so), make it clear that this meeting will be different, and that suggestions for the shape and content of future meetings are welcome.  

And… any feedback and suggestions about what would help to transform your LP meeting into an event people look forward to would be very welcome. 

Bob Bartindale, Officer for Worship & Local Preachers