
Living Library

picture1We want to highlight the vocations Living Library and how you as a Minister could use it.

If you are succession planning, or there are people in the congregations who you can see could be excellent in some of the lay leadership roles, then read on…

The Living Library is an online event where people can come along, almost anonymously, and ask questions of people from other circuits.

This is ideal for those either who are not very confident, or who aren’t yet ready for people in their own church to know they might be willing to think about some kind of church role.

How it works:

  • We have some ‘books’ committed to be at the event.

Local Preachers, Administrators, Stewards (circuit and church), Presbyters, Deacons, Children Youth & Families Workers, Global Mission Partners, Pioneer or Planters, Chaplains, Youth Reps, Youth President and other young adult leaders.

  • ‘Readers’ visit the ‘books’ in breakout rooms, and the ‘books’ share their stories, and the ‘readers’ can ask questions and together they engage in a conversation. 
  • The event is 10-12 on 22nd May
  • There will be up to 3 breakout room opportunities, and 3 times of prayer all together (we will be engaging with 3 different styles of discernment prayer)
  • If people only want to ‘read’ one book, they can visit that book 3 times, or they can head off after they have ‘read’ the book. It is very flexible.

Visit the webpage here.

Please contact Alison Ransome if there is anything else it would be helpful to know ransomea@methodistchurch.org.uk