
Living Library 22 May

We have lots of fabulous Books ready in our ‘library’ each with provocative or interesting subtitles and stories – who could you invite to come along and engage with the stories in these Books?



Saturday 22 May, online 10am – 12 noon

Deadline for booking, noon on Thursday 20th May - click here to book. 


What is it?

A Living Library is a space where Readers engage with the stories of the Books.

A place to ask the ‘silly questions’ which you don’t want to ask people you know locally

A place to challenge stereotypes about who is ‘suitable’ for a particular ministry


Who is this event aimed at?

  • Ministers and other church leaders who want to enable intentional conversations about vocations in your Circuit -  come along and experience the event to see if this is something you might host locally
  • People who wonder if one of these ministries is for them
  • People already in one of these ministries and feeling a little jaded or lacking in confidence, to talk with others from other contexts.


Who could you invite to come along and engage with the stories in these Books?


Local Preacher: Rhodes Must Fall & Black Lives Matter - Does it matter to the Church?

Worship Leading: Putting Welcome into Worship?

Administrator: More than meets the eye

Administrator: Administry

Church Steward: Meet and Greet?

Circuit Steward: The invisible senior manager

Presbyter: Of Word and Wonder?

Presbyter: Who Is on the Lord’s side?

Making New Members: Past Sell-By Date?

Deacon: Why Couldn’t We Get A Proper Minister?

Deacon: A Call Outside Your Comfort Zone

Children Youth & Families Worker: It’s more than playing games!

Global Mission Partners: We Are Together

Pioneer: A Waste of Church Money?

Youth Reo: Brining Down the Average Age

COP26 Campaign Worker: Should Christians be taking climate action?

Chaplaincy: A calling; or a bolt on?

Chaplaincy : some will welcome your company


Please contact Alison Ransome if there is anything else it would be helpful to know ransomea@methodistchurch.org.uk   

Deadline for booking, noon on Thursday 20th May - click here to book.