
Men’s Health Awareness Session

In recognition of November being men’s health awareness month, we are holding a men’s health awareness session on 29 November 2021 from 2pm to 3.30pm. This session will be co-facilitated by a Medical Doctor and a Counsellor/Psychologist from Thrive Worldwide, our occupational health provider. Topics to be covered in this session will include: Men’s health - Medical and Psychological, Prostate health, Testicular health, Mental health (Anxiety & Depression), Connection, Importance of talking, Suicide prevention, Diabetes, Cardiovascular and physical activity.

The learning outcomes will include:

  • Increased awareness of men's health issues for men and for those with men in their lives
  • Education and current information on the topics above
  • Ways to improve personal health and wellbeing
  • How to help someone you have concerns for and
  • Starting conversations 

Places are limited. If you wish to attend please email wellbeing@methodistchurch.org.uk to register your interest. This session will be via zoom and you will be sent the joining details nearer to the time.