
Methodist Identity and Worship Survey - PhD Research

Can you help this colleague with his research? 

I am currently engaged in doctoral research at the University of Warwick, being supervised by the Revd. Canon Professor Leslie J Francis. My area of research is concerned with Methodist identity and the way in which worship is one of the primary ways that Methodist identity is carried and maintained.  

Alongside individual interviews, I am also conducting a piece of quantitative research in the form of a congregational survey and I would be very grateful for your help in its distribution.  

Leslie's research group has a lot of experience of administering congregation surveys and finds that generally congregations are pleased to take part once they understand why the research is being conducted. For example, his next book reports on the replies of 30,000 Anglican churchgoers from the Diocese of Southwark. 

Usually, the survey is given to people as they come in to church for worship. The purpose of the survey is explained at a point in the service and then people are invited to reflect on the issues for ten minutes while appropriate music is played. 

If you agree to take part, I will send some further suggestions as to how you may like to introduce the survey to the congregation.  

I think an ideal opportunity presents itself in November, following remembrance and before advent (there may well be other opportunities too), to conduct the survey but also to offer an opportunity of reflection about who we are as Methodists and what each person feels is important to them about Methodism or Methodist worship. There are a number of creative ways this could be achieved in worship, following the completion of the survey.  

If you would like to be involved in this important piece of research, please email me.  

Revd Adam J Stevenson

Superintendent Minister, The Fens Circuit 
