
Ministries listening to Ministers - still some spaces left!

Sometimes we all need a little space to share how ministry is in our own situation. Sometimes it is sharing when things are going well, and sometimes less so. And we know there are times when we just need to “tell someone in the Connexional Team how it is!” 

In the Ministries Team we are aware that we sometimes appear (or are) one step removed from the grassroots of Methodism or the day to day responsibilities of circuit life as many of you. So we would like to hear from you. We are offering you the opportunity to come and share with other ministers, members of the ministries team and the Revd Paul Wood (Director of the Ministries Team).

The meetings will be held on zoom with the intension of hearing from ministers and looking to shape our work appropriately. If you have the time and you would like to join us please sign up using Eventbrite. Places will be limited to ensure we can all see each other on the screen. If these prove popular – we will offer further dates in 2022.

1 December 2021 10am to 12pm - click here

1 December 2021 2pm to 4pm - click here

12 January 2022 10am to 12pm - click here

12 January 2022 2pm to 4pm - click here