
Mr Peter Hill

This is to inform you that a Mr Peter Hill is circulating an email entitled THE METHODIST WAY, of which you may already be aware. Mr Hill’s emails are full of inaccuracies and are based on a lack of understanding of our processes.  

The advice to everyone is not to respond or engage with Mr Hill in anyway. You are also advised to delete any emails from Mr Hill from your system. Some have also blocked his address.  

It is possible that Mr Hill is using, among other things, an old copy of the Minutes of Conference to access email addresses, and we are sorry that you have been contacted in this way and for any distress this may have caused.   

We are grateful to those who have forwarded the email as this helps with monitoring the situation. 

The Chairs of District have been asked to keep us informed when Mr Hill sends out another round of emails so we are aware of Mr Hill’s activity. 

Please be assured that our legal team is aware of Mr Hill’s latest e-mail (which is potentially libellous) and is considering what action might be taken against Mr Hill. We trust his activity will come to an end at some point.