
Nationality and Borders Bill

The Joint Public Issues Team are currently coordinating an open multi-faith letter to the Prime Minister, raising concerns about the Nationality and Borders Bill, which you are invited to sign.

As you may be aware, the government are seeking to overhaul the way the UK asylum system works through the Nationality & Borders Bill. Whilst they claim that this will make the system fairer, there has been widespread criticism about how the Bill will in fact make the UK a more hostile place for those seeking sanctuary. The Methodist Church in Britain has spoken out on this a number of times, and a notice of motion was passed at Conference in 2021 to encourage members to campaign on the bill. As people of faith, we want to raise our voices to say that these changes are unacceptable, and do not align with our belief in the value of human life or our duty to show compassion to those in need. Previously, the strength of faith leaders speaking out together on issues of justice and peace has been clear, and we would like to show as strong a voice as possible on this crucial issue.

You can read the text of the letter here, and add your name and details to sign the letter.

Anyone who is a faith leader from any community is invited to sign. If that's you then please do get involved. You are also welcome to share this letter with other faith leaders you think will be interested in adding their support. However, we ask that you only share the letter with potential signatories for the time being.  I hope you'll feel able to join with others in raising our voices on this issue. Please contact enquiries@jointpublicissues.org.uk with any questions.