
Neurodiversity awareness session reminder

We are holding a neurodiversity awareness session on Tuesday 13 July from 10am to 12noon via zoom. This session will cover an introduction to the most common neurodivergent conditions and other considerations namely:

  • Dyslexia,
  • Dyscalculia,
  • Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD),
  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),
  • The workplace perspective,
  • Legal obligations,
  • Why neuro-inclusive practice is a ‘win-win’ for individuals and organisations and
  • Q & A.

This session will last approximately 2 hours and will be carried out by one of the  consultants we currently use, Janette Beetham. If you wish to attend please email wellbeing@methodistchurch.org.uk. Please note that places are limited and there is one session booked at this time.  You will be sent a zoom link nearer to the time.

Please read further for more information on Janette Beetham 

Janette Beetham is an experienced consultant/trainer who specialises in dyslexia and neurodivergent ‘conditions’ in the workplace – and she has been working with staff and ministers within the Methodist Church for a number of years.

She is herself dyslexic / neurodivergent (having only discovered this in her late 30’s with less than positive personal experiences during her education and early employment). She has a number of roles including be the founding director of Right Resources Limited, the Staff Consultant for Dyslexia & Neurodivergent ‘Conditions’ at Imperial College London as well as being a trustee of an educational charity. Janette delivers a range of workplace-focused specialist support services for individuals and has developed a range of accredited training programmes designed to enable employing organisations to ‘support a thriving and productive neurodiverse workforce’.