
Neurodiversity Celebration Week 13th -19th March

The 13th -19th March is  Neurodiversity Celebration Week and the tagline for this year is  ‘celebrating different minds’. Neurodiversity Celebration Week campaign director said: “We chose [the tagline] because, for us, neurodiversity is more than labels like dyslexia, autism, or ADHD. The campaign is more than raising awareness or simply highlighting a challenge to be recognised by society. ‘To celebrate neurodiversity, we also want to highlight what’s positive about it’…  Aidan Healy, Neurodiversity Celebration Week campaign director. 

There are number of free introductory webinars, panel discussions and more with a view to educating and inspiring conversations about neurodiversity. You can find out more about this celebration week and the events here 2023 Events Schedule | Neurodiversity Celebration Week (neurodiversityweek.com) Posters | Neurodiversity Celebration Week (neurodiversityweek.com) 

Look out for further posts from Wellbeing and HR about neurodiverse awareness training and guidance notes.