
New workshops from the College of Preachers


Preaching Mark's Gospel 

25 November 2020, 11.00-15.00 | via Zoom 

Workshop leader: Revd Dr Neil Richardson, Methodist minister and former President of the British Methodist Conference.   

Mark is the shortest of the gospels and, arguably, conveys its message with a palpable sense of urgency. This workshop will examine how Mark presents the Good News of Jesus and how we as preachers can interpret that message, and its challenges, for our congregations today. 

Ticket prices: General, £10; Ministry Student, £7   


Preaching in a Scientific Age 

13 January 2021, 10.30-13.00 | via Zoom 

Workshop leader: Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers and former Science Missioner in the Diocese of Oxford.   

Science & technology are central to our lives and there are many who believe that science and religious faith are incompatible - that we can believe one or the other but not both. This workshop will explore how we can use our preaching to dispel this myth, help people to discover the truth of scripture in an age of science, and equip our congregations to bring Christian values to discussions about how science & technology are used in society. 

Ticket prices: General, £7; Ministry Student, £5  

For details on booking a place on either of the above workshops, please visit this webpage.