
Next steps in Evangelism and Growth

Sermons available to download from the Evangelism & Growth Team            

The Evangelism and Growth Team have recorded a set of 10-20 minute video sermons for you to download and use in churches. You could include them as part of a digital service or perhaps show them on the screen at an in-person service.             

Each sermon explores a different aspect of sharing the good news in our communities. The details of the sermons are as follows:     


Missional improv Luke 10.1-11 

Theme: seeking missional courage and humility to leave our comfort zones

Trey Hall: Director of Evangelism & Growth


God comes you to disguised as your life John 4:7-29, 39-42 

Theme: seeking missional courage and humility to leave our comfort zones

Trey Hall: Director of Evangelism and Growth


There is nothing new about New places for new people Acts 10:1-23

Themes: Beginning a New Place for New People / starting with prayer / being open to new people God brings to us / prevenient grace

Matt Finch: Pioneering and Church Planting Officer


Why did Jesus say, the poor will always be with us? Matthew 26: 6-13 

Themes: God’s response to poverty / God desires justice not charity / an invitation to keep God’s commandments / church at the margins / discipleship.

Eunice Attwood: Church at the Margins Officer


You are the light of the world Matthew 5: 14-16

Themes: Mission in the community / community engagement / social action and evangelism / post-Christian culture / testimony /

Emma Nash: Mission and Community Engagement Officer 


Encountering Christ in Evangelism John 4: 5-30, 39-42

Themes: Whole life evangelism / authentic faith sharing / characteristics of healthy evangelism / encounter / social action and evangelism / healing / revelation

Holly Adams: Evangelism and Contemporary Culture Officer


Following Jesus isn’t always easy – but it’s worth it Luke 9: 18-27

Themes: Following Jesus isn’t always easy / Jesus said that we would need to sacrifice in order to follow him / But following Jesus is also exciting – we get to be part of the story

Abi Jarvis: Discipleship and Faith Formation Officer


Rural Mission, Mission in ordinary 4: Mark 4 26-32

Themes using what we know to speak of God

Elizabeth Clark: Rural officer    

To access the sermons you will first have to register on the Evangelism & Growth database on the website.