
NPNP Hubs and Webinars

If you are doing, starting, thinking or praying about New Places for New People (NPNP) join us for one of our NPNP Hubs. They are open to everyone, be it individuals sensing a call to pioneer or circuit leaders who want new Christian communities to become part of their mission planning. You will hear from pioneer projects and from the Evangelism and Growth Team about the support that is there for you. And more importantly, our hope is that by joining us, you will know how you can become a part of the NPNP movement.

Who are they for?

In short, NPNP Hubs are open to everyone. Those with prior experience of beginning something new and those who know nothing at all about NPNP. Hubs are particularly useful for circuit leaders exploring how to enable a new Christian community to begin in their context and those who sense a call to pioneer them.

What happens at an NPNP Hub?

Hubs are online gatherings lasting around 90 minutes. In that time, there will be stories from pioneers and projects around the Methodist Church, sharing how they started as well as top tips from their wisdom and experience. The Methodist Church’s vision for an NPNP in every circuit and the support to realise it will be shared. If you are called to pioneer, you will find out how to join the Methodist Pioneering Pathways and all that is offered to those starting new communities. And perhaps best of all there is the chance to connect with diverse people across the church who are asking the same questions as you. Visit our playlist on YouTube to hear from people who are beginning their pioneer journey.

How can I attend?

Our next NPNP Hub is on Zoom on 3rd October 10.30-12.30, you can register via this link. Future hubs (click to register):

Wednesday 11 January 2023, 1 - 2.30pm - How to gather an NPNP team
Monday 3 April, 7.30 - 9pm - Shaping a NPNP pioneer role in your circuit
Tuesday 20 July, 10.30 - 12pm - The NPNP Story so far and how you can begin