
Online Event: Invitation to School Chaplaincy

We are running an ‘Invitation to School Chaplaincy’ event for anyone who is on the threshold of schools work – maybe you have just started in a school, or you’ve been stationed to a circuit with a school… or maybe it’s just an area that interests you? Maybe you’ve been doing it for a while but would like to refresh your thinking – you are welcome too!
We’ll have people sharing ideas for good practice and others sharing understandings of the value and opportunities of the role. This session will be in the context of Methodist Schools but most of it will be applicable across the sector.
And the details? We’ll be running it online on the afternoon of Thursday 3rd March, from 1pm to 4pm. If you’d like to join us, please email the schools office and we’ll send you a Zoom link nearer the time. That’s oolayinka@methodistschools.org.uk.