
Online Overview for Tutors, Mentors and Local Preacher Secretaries

Earlier this year, the Learning Network held three 90-minute online familiarisation courses about the Worship: Leading & Preaching course, especially the current version 3.0. Over 300 people attended the three sessions, and two more are being held in November.

The sessions are designed for people who are new Tutors, Mentors or Local Preachers’ Secretaries and anyone considering taking on one of these roles. The sessions introduce the basics of how the WLP course (version 3.0) works, and the responsibilities of each of the three roles in supporting students and administering Local Preacher and Worship Leader Training in the circuit. A 30-minute breakout session for each of the three roles is included (attendees choose one of these), together with a short time for Q&A.

Booking for the November sessions is online:

Wednesday 3 November at 7pm


Wednesday 10 November at 2pm


Please pass the word around about these sessions at your Local Preachers’ Meeting or elsewhere and encourage potential volunteers to attend – this is an opportunity to learn what the roles involve, and gain some enthusiasm for the possibilities of helping new Worship Leaders and Local Preachers along their journey.

Note that these sessions do not cover the detail of the course, and Online Inductions are held each month to which all newly-enrolled students and their Mentors and Tutors are invited. Details of these are at www.methodist.org.uk/wlp3.