
Opportunities - DOV1 and DOV2

Please make these two opportunities known in your churches and circuits:

  1. Several people have already applied for DOV1 (Discerning Ordained Vocation) this year which might lead them to candidate. They have all been matched with accompanists but that means we are almost at the capacity of those who are already in role as accompanists. We urgently need more people to become accompanists. Training and information will be provided. The application form and information can be found here: Become an accompanist (methodist.org.uk) 
  1. Member of the Connexional DOV2 candidates committee. We have opened up a second round of applications to join this committee, with a deadline of the end of May 2023. The application form can be found here: Become a member of the Discerning Ordained Vocation (DOV) Connexional Committee (methodist.org.uk) We particularly need more lay people, but that should not restrict anyone from applying.