
Planned for endings and unexpected endings

A new section is being created on the website on Good Endings. 

If you have a something to share, which worked well, when something was coming to an end, please send it to Alison Ransome ransomea@methodistchurch.org.uk 

The sections on the website will include ideas for churches when an ending is sudden and also when an ending is planned. 

Some examples of what we are looking for could be these situations:

  • When a loved and well respected lay leader retires from a key post
  • When there is a curtailment
  • When a lay or ordained leader dies suddenly
  • When a chapel closes
  • When a Minister moves appointment as planned
  • When someone (lay or ordained) leaves a position and their time in the role was hard for them and / or others

Examples of what you might want to share could include:

  • Orders of worship
  • Liturgy
  • Leaving parties / creative farewells
  • Well facilitated meetings to share hard news 

If you have a something to share, which worked well, when something was coming to an end, please send it to Alison Ransome ransomea@methodistchurch.org.uk