
Racial Justice Sunday resources for 2022

Sunday 13 February is suggested as the annual Racial Justice Sunday and we’re pleased to introduce both the amazing worship resources put together by CTBI (Churches Together in Britain and Ireland) Racial Justice Sunday – 13 February 2022 – ‘Racial Justice: What’s it got to do with me?’ (ctbi.org.uk) and also some resources produced by Wesley’s Chapel with a new You Tube video finished just before Christmas: 

Website: https://www.wesleysheritage.org.uk/exhibits/leadership-on-a-journey/the-leaders/

Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdsko8rpk_U&t=10s

In the CTBI resources you’ll find lots of inspiring prayers, suggestions, ideas, and stories to help you focus your worship on the Gospel imperative of Racial Justice.

In the ‘Leadership on a Journey’ you’ll find the stories of several prominent ordained and lay Black Methodist leaders. The video could be used in worship: it is a celebration of how God has used these amazing men and women from many different backgrounds as they have taken leadership within British Methodism and wider society. 

You will also find ideas on the Methodist website pages, from Black History Month in November and from previous years  Black History Month 2021 (methodist.org.uk)

Conference 2021 accepted the Strategy for Justice, Dignity and Solidarity Conference 2021 Agenda Volume 3 (methodist.org.uk) and the User Guide for this will be out in March. Look out for that! Racial Justice is one part of our calling to eradicate discrimination in the world that God has made and loved. 

If you have not yet designated a Sunday for Racial Justice Sunday you can choose one to suit you but, if you can, please let’s make 13 Feb Racial Justice Sunday across the whole Methodist Church. 

We have one last thing to ask you: if your sermon on Racial Justice is uploaded to a church website please send the link to marshj@methodistchurch.org.uk as we’d love to share it with other people too.