
Research Survey: Listening to Christian religious teaching

This is a survey you might be willing to do.

Here below is a message from Jennifer Brown from the College of Preachers: 

I am a priest in the Church of England, currently researching for a PhD through Coventry University.  

I am inviting people to take part in an on-line survey as part of my PhD research. Specifically, I am looking for people aged 18+ in the UK who regularly attend church (in-person or on-line) to take part in this study.  

The aim of this study is to examine the thoughts and feelings that result from listening to Christian religious teaching using music and the spoken word. If you choose to take part in this survey, you will be asked to listen to a recording and answer questions about what you have heard, together with questions about your own feelings.   

This study has received ethics approval from Coventry University. Participation in the survey is voluntary and all responses are anonymous. If you are willing to take part, just click on the link below to be taken to the survey. Please note that the survey may not becompatible with all web browsers. If you find you are having trouble getting the survey to progress to the next page/section, you may wish to try using an alternate browser. If you have any questions or would like more information before taking the survey, please feel free to contact me at brownj68@uni.coventry.ac.uk.   

To take the survey, click here. Alternatively, you can cut and paste this link into your web browser: https://coventry.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5mye8G2StpYssv3