
Spaces left on these three events!!

There are now just 3 places left for the gathering for ministers who have been in ministry 25 years plus. Its being held on 16 – 18 January.

All the info can be found here as can the booking process. 


There are also 2 spaces on the Supervision of Supervision course on 27-29 February. This is a very popular course and we are keen to fill the places fully as many of the others in the coming calendar year are at full capacity. If this is a course for you i.e. you are a supervisor of other supervisors then please do consider booking in here


There are plenty of spaces on the supervision refresher day designed for supervisors who are out of practice due to illness or for similar reasons. Its being held on 6 February from 10.30am to 4:30pm. Bookings can be made directly through Jane Bingham on binghamj@methodistchurch.org.uk. More information can be found here.